What Forester John Essential Oils is All About

If you've ever said...
"I wish I had more time to get away from the city and back to nature", you're in the right place.
Forester John essential oils is where nature and outdoor lovers turn to relive the peace and tranquility of the forest when they can't be there (especially when stuck indoors).
My "Tidbits from the Forest" email series is delivered directly to your inbox to enhance your connection to nature by learning more about the forest.
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How Forester John Essential Oils Make You Feel Closer to the Forest
My forest essential oil blends are the only brand of essential oils made exclusively toย match the tree composition of REAL FORESTS.
Instead of blending random pine, spruce, and fir essential oils and calling it a forest blend, I take the specific tree species that grow together naturally in an actual forest.
For example:
For my Acadia National Park blend, I chose only the tree species that exist naturally in a specific Acadia forest: white pine, red spruce, Eastern hemlock, balsam fir and white cedar.

And here is another unique feature...
Have you ever wondered what an essential oil looked like inside those dark colored bottles?
With my clear bottle you can see theย TRUE COLORย of the FOREST shine through.
I created a custom aluminum container to protect the bottle from breaking and to store the oil in complete darkness (providing even more UV protection than the standard amber bottle).
So what does this mean for you?
These subtle details help you feel a stronger connection to the forest.
And as you will soon are reminded of that calm and peaceful feeling of being in the forest.

Who is Forester John?
I grew up in Minneapolis, MN and have always had a deep connection with the forest ever since I was a young boy.
I was a professional forester and worked in the woods for over 18 years.
My work and play have brought me to forests from the west coast of Washington to the eastern tip of Maine.
Today, I still work in the forestry profession but spend my work day stuck in a cubicle instead of the forest.
This is a big reason why this product exists today.
I missed the forest. I needed a way to drift away from my desk.
Hence, Forester John Essential Oils began.
Enjoy ;)
- Forester John โ
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Did you notice the hidden symbol?
Hidden inside the Forester John logo is theย Japanese Kanji symbolย for the wordย "Earth".
I included it toย symbolize our deep connection with earth, through our experiences in the forest.
So why represent this with a Japanese Kanji symbol?
Japan invented and has embraced a practice calledย Shinrin-yokuย (translated as forest bathing).
It is the practice of immersing oneself in nature by mindfully using all five senses.
I wanted to honor this practice because taking the time toย purposely connect to the forestย speaks to the core of what Forester John is about.